Dark Sky Texas

Contact: Cindy Luongo Cassidy

Phone: (512) 944-7354

E-Mail: contact@darkskytexas.org

Website: www.darkskytexas.org

DarkSky Texas promotes the use of better lighting to help restore our view of the nighttime sky, improve the safety and well-being of people and wildlife, and save energy.

Conservation must include the reduction of light pollution!

DarkSky Texas is the official Texas Chapter of DarkSky International, formerly known as the International Dark-Sky Association, the recognized global authority on better lighting to reduce light pollution. In order to protect our land or water, we must protect the living things – wildlife and plants – that live there from the negative impacts of artificial light at night.

Visit our website to learn about the extensive projects we have created and support. www.darkskytexas.org


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National Parks Conservation Association

Contact: Cary Dupuy

Phone: (512) 866-3200

E-Mail: texas@npca.org

Website: www.npca.org/regions/texas

NPCA’s Texas Regional Office works to protect and enhance America’s National Park System for present and future generations. Our Texas based team creates a sustainable future for the national parks in Texas and Oklahoma through strong relationships with park staff and gateway community leaders, engaged partners and a diverse active group of advocates and park champions.  We lead strategic advocacy campaigns to protect national park landscapes and preserve our country’s heritage, focusing on making an enduring impact in protecting parks in our region while creating strong community ties and support for our national parks.


Areas of work include:

· Protecting the ecological resilience of landscapes of Texas national park sites from the Big Thicket to Big Bend

· Preserving the heritage of our region and country within our national parks to ensure our parks tell a more complete story of America including creating new park sites like the Blackwell School National Historical Site

· Providing our national parks the resources to ensure a quality visitor experience while protecting park resources

· Engaging new and diverse park advocates and champions

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The Texas Real Estate Advocacy & Defense Coalition (TREAD)

Contact: Jessica Karlsruher

Phone: 737-234-6259

Email: jessica@treadcoalition.org

Website: www.treadcoalition.org


The Texas Real Estate Advocacy & Defense Coalition (TREAD) is a bipartisan, member-based advocacy association that advocates for and defends Texas landowner rights at the federal, state, and local levels. We monitor relevant issues in the Texas Legislature, such as property taxes, water rights, and eminent domain. We also partner with professionals and organizations who advocate for sound public policy and maintain a commitment to protecting private property rights, landowners, and the rural communities they live in.

Some of our Programs include:

Educational Workshops
The TREAD Coalition organizes educational workshops across the state to educate property owners and real estate professionals on issues affecting their land, communities, and pocketbook. The purpose of these workshops is to bring together people in communities affected by legislation, development, or other property-related matters that fall in TREAD’s purview. For example, we organized more than 40 workshops in Central Texas centered around a pipeline that was being built through the hill country, impacting natural habitats and private properties during its construction. These workshops have been crucial to building our membership base, spreading awareness, and sharing the tools necessary for landowners to advocate on their own behalf.

TREAD Talks provides information and insight on rural issues by inviting seasoned experts and thought leaders to participate in a panel discussion and provide an overview of the history and background of a specific topic in Texas and discuss ways that landowners can work together with industry to find solutions while being partners in that process. Additionally, panelists speak about the role their individual organizations have in supporting rural landowners and their approach to tackling critical issues that rural communities face. These talks are streamed on Facebook live, and they are archived on our YouTube page as well as through our membership portal as a benefit of support.

Click on our website link above to learn more about our programs and partnerships!

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City of San Antonio Office of Sustainability

Contact: Julia Murphy

Phone: (219) 210-6103

E-Mail: sustainabilty@sanantonio.gov

Website: www.sanantonio.gov/sustainability

Through innovative programs focusing on energy efficiency, community and corporate sustainability, and sustainable transportation, the Office of Sustainability is working to make San Antonio a great place to live, work, and play while enhancing the environment, quality-of-life, and our economic vitality.


Enhancing the environment, quality of life, and economic vitality through innovative programs and policies for all residents, as well as future generations.

Rising energy costs and increasing concerns about the long term impact of current levels of energy consumption are important issues for the City of San Antonio. Efforts to improve environmental quality and reduce consumption make sense, both social and economically. The Office of Sustainability (OS) for the City of San Antonio provides staff support to City departments, the business community, and other public agencies to develop and implement sustainability initiatives.


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Caddo Lake Institute

Contact: Laura-Ashley Overdyke

Phone: (318) 541-6923

E-Mail: info@caddolake.us

Website: www.caddolakeinstitute.org

The Caddo Lake Institute is a non-profit scientific and educational organization founded in 1992 with the mission of protecting the unique treasure that is Caddo Lake. We address issues such as the need to return healthy flows of water to the lake, restore water quality in the watershed, control invasive species, and conserve significant lands. We undertake a variety of programs including endangered species protection, education, land conservation, environmental flows initiative, invasive species management, and wetland restoration.

Caddo Lake Institute is proud to work with local communities, organizations and others to protect the unique treasure that is Caddo Lake. Together we are addressing issues such as the need to return healthy flows of water to Caddo Lake, restore water quality in the watershed, control invasive species, and conserve significant lands. That work has included the designation of wetlands at Caddo Lake as “Wetlands of International Importance” under the Ramsar Convention, an international treaty created in 1971. A healthy watershed supports wildlife and animal habitats, recreation and the local economy.

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Shield Ranch

Contact: Christy Muse

Phone: (512) 476-4816

E-Mail: info@shieldranch.com

Website: www.shieldranch.com

At Shield Ranch, stewarding and protecting the Hill Country ecosystem is our solemn purpose. Located just 18 miles southwest of downtown Austin, we are a 6,800-acre family ranch established in 1938. Today, we are home to a mosaic of habitats, a diverse community of native plants and animals, and over six breathtaking miles of Barton Creek.


Through an evolving program of land management, unique nature immersion experiences, and conservation easements with the Nature Conservancy and the City of Austin, Shield Ranch offers something exceptionally rare in our rapidly urbanizing community—a truly wild place. Join us in making sure it stays that way.


Visit our website to learn more about our work in land stewardship, advocacy, scientific research, environmental education, conservation easements and historic preservation. The work we do at Shield Ranch and the Shield Ranch Foundation is timeless. We respect the historical and cultural significance of the place and steward and share the Ranch to ensure that the land will always be a resource for future generations.

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Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation

Contact: Susan Houston

Phone: (214) 720-1478

E-Mail: info@tpwf.org

Website: www.tpwf.org

Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation’s mission is to provide private support to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to ensure that all Texans, today and in the future, can enjoy the wild things and wild places of Texas.

Since 1991, Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation has raised private funds to advance Texas’ proud outdoor traditions and conserve our state’s wildlife, habitat and natural resources. Our vision is for all Texans to have access to the wild things and wild places in our state, both now and for generations to come.

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Partnership for Gulf Coast Land Conservation

Contact: Vance Crain

P.O. Box 13121
Tallahassee, FL 32317

E-Mail: info@gulfpartnership.org

Website: www.gulfpartnership.org

The Partnership for Gulf Coast Land Conservation (the Gulf Partnership) is a coalition of 28 local, regional, and national conservation organizations that work in the Gulf Coast region within the five Gulf of Mexico states – Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Our mission is to increase the pace, quality, and permanence of voluntary land and water conservation within the coastal region.

Our member organizations work with private landowners, government agencies and local communities to protect the most important natural resources and beautiful landscapes in the region: ranchlands, mangrove forests, freshwater springs, longleaf pine and bottomland hardwood forests, sandy beaches, and barrier islands.

Professional Services
We serve land trusts that operation in the five Gulf of Mexico States coastal region and provide: Capacity building support through training, annual Gulf Coast Land Conservation Conference, webinars, matching grants for due diligence projects for partner members, communication on land conservation news and advocacy/policy issues specific to the Gulf coast region.

Areas of Expertise
Gulf Coast region conservation
Deepwater Horizon oil spill funding for conservation including RESTORE, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Gulf Coast Benefit Fund, and NRDA.
Convening land trusts and allies in the Gulf Coast region.
Communication, Advocacy, support for grant writing.

Primary Customers/Clients
Land trusts and non-profit organizations whose primary purpose is land conservation. The Gulf Partnership works in the Gulf Coast region of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. We use the following definition to describe our service area:
1.the coastal management zones of the Gulf Coast States,
2.any adjacent land, water and watersheds within 25 miles of the coastal zones; and
3.all federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico.

Our partner organizations work with individual landowners and local communities from the Texas/Mexico border to the southern tip of Florida. Some of our partners work in all 5 states and protect thousands of acres while others focus on a single county or watershed.


Local , State and Regional Organizations
Alabama Coastal Heritage Trust (AL)
Alabama Forest Resources Center (AL)
Alachua Conservation Trust (GA/FL)
Artist Boat (TX)
Coastal Land Trust (AL)
Colorado River Land Trust (TX)
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast (FL)
Conservation Florida (FL)
Dauphin Island Bird Sanctuaries (AL)
Galveston Bay Foundation (TX)
Guadalupe Blanco River Land Trust (TX)
Land Trust for Louisiana (LA)
Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain (MS)
Mississippi Land Trust (MS)
Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy (FL)
Tampa Bay Conservancy (FL)
Texas Agricultural Land Trust (TX)
Trust for Coastal Stewardship (LA)
Weeks Bay Foundation (AL)
Woodlands Conservancy (LA)
Wolf River Conservation Society (MS)

National organizations
American Farmland Trust
Land Trust Alliance
National Audubon Society
The Conservation Fund
The Nature Conservancy
The Trust for Public Land

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Hill Country Alliance

Contact: Katherine Romans

Phone: (512) 263-9147

E-Mail: info@hillcountryalliance.org

Website: www.hillcountryalliance.org


The mission of the Hill Country Alliance is to bring together an ever-expanding alliance of groups throughout a multi- county region of Central Texas with the long-term objective of preserving open spaces, water supply, water quality and the unique character of the Texas Hill Country.

The Hill Country Alliance is dedicated to ensuring for future generations an opportunity to enjoy the unique features of the Hill Country region, including the countless spring-fed streams, its multi-ethnic and agricultural heritage, and spectacular scenic beauty.

Encourage responsible water practices – The economy of the Hill Country and land values are dependent upon the water needs of today being balanced among current users, e.g. ranchers, development and the environment, in such a way that does no harm to the streams and aquifers.

Inform the friends of the Hill Country – A key to solving our region’s challenges is to work collaboratively with all interested stakeholders in order to make readily available honest and fair information, along with opportunities for participation in decisions.

Nurture unified support for innovative policy changes – While the actions needed to sustain the Hill Country’s natural features vary across the region – from the rapidly urbanizing southern and eastern portions, to the vast open spaces on the western and northern edges – there is a shared interest in respecting private property rights and encouraging locally grown solutions to complex issues through education.

Support economic development that is compatible with the Hill Country’s unique features – A key to keeping our Hill Country a special place for generations to come is to promote sources of income for landowners and businesses so that ensuing generations are motivated to keep ranches intact and small towns functional.

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